Warning Signs of Suicidal Behaviour

Almost 1 million people commit suicide every year around the world, another 10 to 20 millions attempt to do it. Staggering number, isn't it? Men are twice as likely to commit suicide as women.

People with such problems as manic depression, schizophrenia, anxiety, drug and alcohol abuse, eating disorders are more prone to suicidal thoughts, than healthier groups. Risk factors are increased by other serious health problems, long-term unemployment, loss of loved ones, sudden trauma, divorce or bad break up.

90% of suicides are committed by people with clinical depression. People who don't want to die, but who want to end their pain and suffering and can't see any other way out.

Here are some of the warning signs you need to look for in people with depression disorder.

- Talking or writing about death. The topics can vary from self-harm, ways of dying, funerals and resolutions of the current problems that going away or dying would bring to that person of their family.

- Sudden change in mood when people go from being depressed, sad and hopeless to distracted, forgetful, absentminded, quietly happy and peaceful like they came to a decision that committing suicide will end all their problems.
- Giving up. People decide they are not interested in their own future anymore; they feel totally hopeless, helpless and gloomy and keep saying that nothing ever is going to change and won't get better.

- Sorting out their affairs. This is one of the obvious warning signs. Writing their wills, arranging for care for the family or pets, finalizing details of their own funeral, giving away property to the family and friends, visiting or calling people as to say goodbye.

- Feeling excessive guilt or shame which is part of depression symptoms. People blame themselves for what happened and just can't live with it.

- Anger and recklessness. Feeling very angry even enraged, making reckless decisions, driving at crazy speed, abusing enormous amounts of alcohol and drugs.

- Looking for ways to die. It can be attempts to get their hands on firearms or gathering large amounts of sleeping pills.

- Withdrawal from friends, family, and their community. Again this can be a sign of depression, but on a larger scale, - a sign of suicidal mood.
If your friends, loved ones or family members exhibit these signs, try to persuade them to seek depression help, go on antidepressants for the immediate help (WARNING: check out these medications side-effects, some of them can increase or produce suicidal feelings) or contact USA National Suicide Hotlines.

And, please share your experience and observations. Thank you!

How to Deal With the Suicidal Child

The problem of child suicide continues to grow and the lives of many young people aged from 10 upwards will be lost to this tragic event. In the United States alone, suicide is the third leading cause of death in teenagers and the fourth leading cause of death in pre-teens.

In countries where guns are readily available, this is generally the method used in suicide. However, if they are not easy to access, these youngsters often resort to poisoning or hanging.

Unsuccessful suicide attempts are far more common. It is estimated that for about 300 attempted suicides, there is one successful suicide.

If children suffer from depression, they are much more likely to attempt suicide than other children. Almost a quarter of depressed children will attempt to end their life. It is also a high possibility in children who have a substance abuse problem such as drugs or paint or glue sniffing.

The risk is also increased where there is a family history of suicide and where weapons are easily accessible. If a child has an obsession with thoughts of death they are more liable to make a serious suicide attempt or complete suicide.
Despite the common belief that a child's suicide attempt is a way of getting attention, it is believed that this is the case in only 10 percent of cases. Around two thirds of children who attempt suicide genuinely want to die or escape a seemingly impossible situation. It is very hard to predict the likelihood of suicide, especially in children and teenagers.

Firstly, it may help to try to understand suicidal thoughts. It's quite common for a child or teen to have thoughts of suicide but no plan on how they would go about it. The main concern is if the child has made prior attempts at suicide, is depressed, or is cynical. This is when they are more likely to be thinking seriously about suicide.

If the child or teen has a plan, it means that they are thinking seriously about suicide and have a plan on how to do it.
Having attempted suicide means that the child or teen has actually tried to fatally harm themselves. The repercussions of the act may be physical or psychological. Sometimes the person will feel that he/she is a failure and can't even 'get it right' when they try to kill themselves.

At other times, the attempt to take their own life may be done on impulse and is often the result of a break up in a relationship.

If you are the parent or friend of a child considering suicide, there are things you can do to help him/her manage these thoughts and behavior.

1. Take the child's threats seriously

Pay attention if the child is expressing a wish to die. It may mean nothing but it means that, at the very least, this child needs someone to talk to.

2. Talk about suicide

If the child is depressed, they may be considering suicide and these thoughts wont miraculously disappear by ignoring the subject. Don't be frightened to ask a depressed child if they are considering suicide.

3. Get help

If a child is thinking suicidal thoughts or has made an attempt to harm themselves, they need professional help. Often, they may have a psychiatric disorder that has not been identified and treated.

4. Don't leave a suicidal child alone

If the child is considering suicide or has attempted suicide and has a plan, you need to watch them until a professional assessment is done. This can be very exhausting for all concerned but it is necessary.

5. Don't be manipulated

There are some children or teens who may use talk of suicide to manipulate others so that they can get what they want. This often happens if a relationship or friendship breaks up. The person may threaten suicide if the partner wants out of the relationship.

6. Lock up anything that can be used to suicide
It is imperative that you lock away any firearms, medications, ropes or anything else that may be a risk. You even need to lock away razors and knives.

These actions may make a difference in the outcome for the suicidal child or teenager.

From Suicidal To Anti Suicidal

In life everyone comes at a stage where one thinks that life has no meaning and they can't go on with it any more. This is the darkest hour of one's life and at that point of time there seems no hope coming out of it. It's the very point when the thought of ending your life, committing suicide comes to your mind. And those who take just a little time to think over it survive. And those who fail to do so lose the most crucial gift of all, which is life. In the lines under I shall tell you, how to come over suicidal thought and what is the reality of suicide; with a touch of my personal experience.

At the age of 25 my life seemed to be going nowhere. And adding insult to injury was pneumonia. I was severely struck by it, which increased my suicidal tendency. So I was watching a program on TV about suicide, and thought in my heart that "this is it, this is the last night". Suddenly the host suggested that, before committing this act you should give a last call to someone. I finally decided to give my mother a call. And that is where it all changed.
Usually my mother is very supportive of me and always points out my positives. So my perception was that my mother will not understand my situation, that she will not be able to comprehend how disappointed I was and what I was going through. But on the contrary my mother listened to me throughout the whole conversation and did not interrupt my flow of emotions. After pouring my heart out to her I felt light as feather. And then I realized how silly It was of me to think about suicide when I had all in me to live and achieve.

Suicide is a permanent irreversible solution to a temporary problem. It's just a moment, which will surely pass by if you just pause and think for a moment. And if you have someone in your life you can share with, then the thought of suicide would be an ideal time to get in contact with that person. You should think about your positives, your inner strengths, how you have come so far in life.You should participate in seminars that help build self-confidence, read helpful books. All of this will help you IN-POWER (a fact which I strongly emphasis on) yourself. It will make you a better judge of your actions, make you choose better friends.

And another thing that can help you become an anti suicide like me is dream bigger and keep on dreaming. Never let anyone tell you how to live life, never let someone make you stop dreaming. Learn from your experiences, think of life as a motorcycle race and adjust yourself on the bike.So no matter how sharp the turn is on the track of life, you are in control of your bike and continue to the finish line.


Suicidal Thoughts and Craziness


If you have suicidal thoughts, I have to show you how your psychic sphere works, so you may understand that you are being a victim of the "wild side" of your psyche (anti-conscience), which is very violent and tries to invade your conscience all the time by suggesting desires and intentions to your Ego.

First of all, you have to bear in mind that suicide is a crime against society. You have no right to kill yourself, just as you have no right to kill somebody else. This is the same as murder, especially because if you take your own life and abandon everyone, you are not only killing yourself but also those who love you. This will be harder for them to bear than if you would die naturally, without causing your death yourself.
It is important to understand how appalling the suicidal intention is instead of sympathising with it because if you entertain suicidal thoughts that pass through your mind, you will simply fall prey to your "wild side." A suicide is not your answer to all those who never tried to understand you, but a very violent reaction that only provokes destruction.

The invasion of the wild side in the human conscience begins with strange feelings and somewhat crazy ideas that initially do not appear dangerous. However, this wild side is always intentionally seeking out problems. It wants to destroy the human conscience and take its place; this is why it uses your Ego in order to push you into making several serious mistakes that will have very dire consequences for you.

In this way, you will lose control, become nervous, and in a while, desperate. At this point, the wild anti-conscience will introduce suicidal thoughts in your mind. These thoughts are brought to your mind after the failures and deceptions you have faced because of falling in the trap of the wild side, which has cornered you into an unbearable situation.

You can avoid falling prey to these kinds of misleading thoughts if you are loyal and true to your moral principles. Even if only for a moment you give in to immorality or simply not be loyal to your beliefs, you will have opened the doors for the monster.
Carl Jung noticed that craziness already exists inside the patient's mind. When a patient becomes crazy, he/she starts talking about a reality he/she has never actually lived, and the symbolic meaning of their words clearly reveals that this content belongs to the collective unconscious, according to Jung's conception of the psychic sphere. I could see, however, that we must separate the unconscious from the "wild side" of our conscience, which is responsible for making us crazy. With this distinction clear in mind, I could discover the partial psychotherapy required to treat schizophrenia and psychosis.

I observed that it is important to separate the thoughts that provoke craziness from the wise thoughts we find in the unconscious that produce our dreams and is also responsible for our artistic, philosophical and religious manifestations, since wisdom cannot come from ignorance. The absurd and irrational thoughts belong to the wild side of our human conscience that is yet unknown. This is the primitive conscience, which still exists in the same form as it was in the beginning of its creation, since it has not been transformed through consciousness.
Hence, this wild content is completely negative and violent. It only wants to ruin the human conscience that impedes it to kill and destroy and this is why it provokes craziness.
The solution is to transform this wild content into conscious content through religiosity (which works like psychotherapy) or dream interpretation. All religions help us fight against our selfishness, and dream interpretation helps us to develop our psychic sphere by transforming our wild side into a wise and human side that possesses sensitivity, which forms the base of psychic health.

This psychotherapy is very safe and is based on goodness that will teach you how to live peacefully after achieving the maximum development of your psychic sphere. It will also teach you how to help your community with your positive work. This depends on your efforts because you will realize that it is not easy to be good and it is not easy to stick to your moral principles and especially, it is not easy to accept suffering in order to help others.
However, you can guarantee your health by helping others, since your health depends intrinsically on your attitude; this is not only observed through dream interpretation and the cure contained within the message of a dream but also in psychosomatic medicine [Psychosomatic is a Greek word (ψυχοσωματική), which means the combination of the psyche and body. This type of medicine studies the relation existing between psychological and physical problems]. This affirms that there indeed is a relation between our moral attitude and the appearance of diseases in our body, and this has already been proven in practice.

Our psychic and physical health depend on our behaviour with other people.
Even if you do not try to decipher your dreams, never accept any suicidal thoughts because these thoughts do not arise from your human conscience, but from the archaic side of your conscience which is completely violent and can only make you and the people close to you suffer. It only pretends to offer you the solution for your problems by creating suicidal thoughts. Never accept to abandon life and those that depend on you because this is cruelty.

After more than 20 years of research, studies, and several experiences in curing many people through dream decoding, I can assure you that you can keep your psychic health and live far from the threats of insanity, despair and depression only if you follow the moral principles of goodness, respect and forgiveness towards everyone.